The metagear package for R contains tools for facilitating systematic reviews, data extraction, and meta-analyses. It aims to facilitate research synthesis as a whole, by providing a single source for several of the common tasks involved in screening studies, extracting outcomes from studies, and performing statistical analyses on these outcomes using meta-analysis. Below are a few illustrative examples of applications of these functionalities.
Updates to these examples will be posted on our research webpage at USF, and for previous versions of this vignette see v. 0.3, v. 0.2 and v. 0.1.
For the source code of metagear see:
Funding for metagear is supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants DBI-1262545 and DEB-1451031.
I also thank J. Richardson, J. Zydek, N. Ogburn, B. MacNeill, J. Zloty, and my colleagues in the OpenMEE software team, J. Gurevitch and B. Wallace, for persuading me to develop tools in R.
Lajeunesse, M.J. (2016) Facilitating systematic reviews, data extraction and meta-analysis with the metagear package for R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 323-330. article link
Metagear has several dependencies that need to be installed and loaded prior to use in R. The first is the EBImage R package (Pau et al. 2010) available only from Bioconductor repository. The second is associated with metagear's abstract_screener()
function that generates a GUI to help quickly sift bibliographic data from multiple studies.
To properly install metagear, use the following script in R:
# first load Bioconductor resources needed to install the EBImage package
# and accept/download all of its dependencies
# then load metagear
The first loading of metagear using library(metagear)
will trigger the download of the gWidgets package and associated toolkits needed to build GUI interfaces. A small window will also prompt you to download GTK+ asking "Need GTK+ ?". From the listed options answer: "Install GTK+" and click ’OK’. Once installed, these will not be downloaded again.
Sometimes there is an issue with the installation of GTK+, see here or here for advice based on the Rattle R Package. Note that both Rattle and metagear use the same GUI dependencies. Also sometimes the installation will freeze; however, re-starting the R session can fix this issue.
Please email me any bugs, comments, or suggestions and I'll try to include them in future releases: Also try to include metagear in the subject heading of your email. Finally, I'm open to almost anything, but expect a lag before I respond and/or new additions are added.
One of the first tasks of a systematic review is to screen the titles and abstracts of study references to assess their relevance for the synthesis project. For example, after a bibliographic search using Web of Science, there may be thousands of references generated; references from experimental studies, modeling studies, review papers, commentaries, etc. These need to be reviewed individually as a first pass to exclude those that do not fit the synthesis project; such as excluding simulation studies that do not report experimental outcomes useful for estimating an effect size.
However, individually screening thousands of references is time consuming, and large synthesis projects may benefit from delegating this screening effort to a research team. Having multiple people screen references also provides an opportunity to assess the repeatability of these screening decisions.
In this example, we have the following goals:
First, let's start by loading and exploring the contents of a pre-packaged dataset from metagear that contains the bibliographic information of 11 journal articles (example_references_metagear
). These data are a subset of references generated from a search in Web of Science for "Genome size", and contain the abstracts, titles, volume, page numbers, and authors of these references.
# load package
# load a bibliographic dataset with the authors, titles, and abstracts of multiple study references
# display the bibliographic variables in this dataset
# display the various Journals that these references were published in
## 4 GENE
Our next step is to initialize/prime this dataset for screening tasks. Our goal is to distribute screening efforts to two screeners/reviewers: "Christina" and "Luc". Here each reviewer will screen a separate subset of these references (a forthcoming example will review how to set up a dual screening design where each member screens the same references). The dataset first needs to be initialized as follows:
# prime the study-reference dataset
theRefs <- effort_initialize(example_references_metagear)
# display the new columns added by effort_initialize
Note that the effort_initialize()
function added three new columns: "STUDY_ID" which is a unique number for each reference (e.g., from 1 to 11), "REVIEWERS" an empty column with NAs that will be later populated with our reviewers (e.g., Christina and Luc), and finally the "INCLUDE" column, which will later contain the screening efforts by the two reviewers.
Screening efforts are essentially how individual study references get coded for inclusion in the synthesis project; currently the "INCLUDE" column has each reference coded as "not vetted", indicating that each reference has yet to be screened.
Our next task is to delegate screening efforts to our two reviewers Christina and Luc. Our goal is to randomly distribute these references to each reviewer.
# randomly distribute screening effort to a team
theTeam <- c("Christina", "Luc")
theRefs_unscreened <- effort_distribute(theRefs, reviewers = theTeam)
# display screening tasks
theRefs_unscreened[c("STUDY_ID", "REVIEWERS")]
## 1 1 Luc
## 2 2 Luc
## 3 3 Christina
## 4 4 Luc
## 5 5 Christina
## 6 6 Christina
## 7 7 Christina
## 8 8 Christina
## 9 9 Luc
## 10 10 Luc
## 11 11 Christina
The screening efforts can also be delegated unevenly, such as below where Luc will take on 80% of the screening effort:
# randomly distribute screening effort to a team, but with Luc handeling 80% of the work
theRefs_unscreened <- effort_distribute(theRefs, reviewers = theTeam, effort = c(20, 80))
theRefs_unscreened[c("STUDY_ID", "REVIEWERS")]
## 1 1 Luc
## 2 2 Luc
## 3 3 Luc
## 4 4 Luc
## 5 5 Christina
## 6 6 Luc
## 7 7 Luc
## 8 8 Luc
## 9 9 Luc
## 10 10 Christina
## 11 11 Luc
The effort can also be redistributed with the effort_redistribute()
function. In the above example we assigned Luc 80% of the work. Now let's redistribute half of Luc's work to a new team member "Patsy".
theRefs_Patsy <- effort_redistribute(theRefs_unscreened,
reviewer = "Luc",
remove_effort = "50", # move 50% of Luc's work to Patsy
reviewers = c("Luc", "Patsy")) # team members loosing and picking up work
theRefs_Patsy[c("STUDY_ID", "REVIEWERS")]
## 5 5 Christina
## 10 10 Christina
## 1 1 Luc
## 2 2 Patsy
## 3 3 Luc
## 4 4 Patsy
## 6 6 Luc
## 7 7 Patsy
## 8 8 Luc
## 9 9 Patsy
## 11 11 Luc
The references have now been randomly assigned to either Christina or Luc. The whole initialization of the reference dataset with effort_initialize()
can be abbreviated with effort_distribute(example_references_metagear, reviewers = c("Christina", "Luc"), initialize = TRUE)
Now that screening tasks have been distributed, the next stage is for reviewers to start the manual screening of each assigned reference. This is perhaps best done by providing a separate file of these references to Christina and Luc. They can then work on screening these references separately and remotely. Once the screening is complete, we can then merge these files into a complete dataset (we'll get to this later).
The effort_distribute()
function can also save to file each reference subset; these can be given to Christina and Luc to start their work. This is done by setting the 'save_split' parameter to TRUE.
# randomly distribute screening effort to a team, but with Luc handling 80% of the work,
# but also saving these screening tasks to separate files for each team member
theRefs_unscreened <- effort_distribute(theRefs, reviewers = theTeam, effort = c(20, 80), save_split = TRUE)
## 2 files saved in: C:/Users/lajeunesse/Desktop/R_projects/metagear_0.3/metagear/vignettes
theRefs_unscreened[c("STUDY_ID", "REVIEWERS")]
## 1 1 Luc
## 2 2 Luc
## 3 3 Luc
## 4 4 Luc
## 5 5 Luc
## 6 6 Luc
## 7 7 Luc
## 8 8 Christina
## 9 9 Luc
## 10 10 Christina
## 11 11 Luc
list.files(pattern = "effort")
## [1] "effort_Christina.csv" "effort_Luc.csv"
These two effort_*.csv files contain the assigned references for Christina and Luc. These can be passed on to each team member so that they can begin screening/coding each reference for inclusion in the synthesis project.
References should be coded as "YES" or "NO" for inclusion, but can also be coded as "MAYBE" if bibliographic information is missing or there is inadequate information to make a proper assessment of the study.
The abstract_screener()
function can be used to facilitate this screening process (an example is forthcoming), but for the sake of introducing how screening efforts can be merged and summarized, I manually coded all the references in both of Christina's and Luc's effort_*.csv files. Essentially, I randomly coded each references as either "YES", "NO", or "MAYBE". These files now contain the completed screening efforts.
We can merge these two files with the completed screening efforts using the effort_merge()
function, as well as summarize the outcome of screening tasks using the effort_summary()
# merge the effort_Luc.csv and effort_Christina.csv
# WARNING: will merge all files named "effort_*" in directory
theRefs_screened <- effort_merge()
theRefs_screened[c("STUDY_ID", "REVIEWERS", "INCLUDE")]
## 1 8 Christina MAYBE
## 2 10 Christina MAYBE
## 3 1 Luc YES
## 4 2 Luc NO
## 5 3 Luc MAYBE
## 6 4 Luc NO
## 7 5 Luc MAYBE
## 8 6 Luc MAYBE
## 9 7 Luc YES
## 10 9 Luc MAYBE
## 11 11 Luc YES
theSummary <- effort_summary(theRefs_screened)
## 3 candidate studies identified
## 2 studies excluded
## 6 challenging studies needing additional screening
## ----
## Christina 2 0 0 2 18.18182
## Luc 4 2 3 9 81.81818
## TOTAL 6 2 3 11 100.00000
The summary of screening tasks describes the outcomes of which references had studies appropriate for the synthesis project, while also outlining which need to be re-assessed. The team should discuss these challenging references and decide if they are appropriate for inclusion or track down any additional/missing information needed to make proper assessment of their inclusion.
Metagear offers a simple abstract screener to quickly sift through the abstracts and titles of multiple references. Here is some script to help initialize the screener GUI in R:
# load package
# initialize bibliographic data and screening tasks
initialize = TRUE,
reviewers = "marc",
save_split = TRUE)
# initialize screener GUI
abstract_screener("effort_marc.csv", aReviewer = "marc")
The GUI itself will appear as a single window with the first title/abstract listed in the .csv file. If abstracts have already been screened/coded, it will begin at the nearest reference labeled as "not vetted". The SEARCH WEB button opens the default browser and searches Google with the title of the reference. The YES, MAYBE, NO buttons, which also have shortcuts ALT-Y and ALT-N, are used to code the inclusion/exclusion of the reference. Once clicked/coded the next reference is loaded. The SAVE button is used to save the coding progress of screening tasks. It will save coding progress directly to the loaded .csv file. Closing the GUI and not saving will result in the loss of screening efforts relative to last save.
Here's what to expect with this GUI (note that depending on the platform running R, the layout of this GUI will differ slightly):
Here I provide a quick example of extracting effect size data from a journal article PDF.
In this example, we have the following goals:
First, let's start by using one of the DOIs from the pre-packaged metagear dataset that contains the bibliographic information of 11 journal articles (example_references_metagear
). These data are a subset of references generated from a search in Web of Science for "Genome size", and contain the abstracts, titles, volume, page numbers, and authors of these references.
# load package
# load a bibliographic dataset with the DOIs
# display one of the DOI's reference
theBiblio <- scrape_bibliography(example_references_metagear$DOI[4])
## Ruas et al. (2008) Characterization, genomic organization and chromosomal distribution of Ty1-copia retrotransposons in species of Hypochaeris %252528Asteraceae%252529. GENE 412, 39-49.
Our next goal is to download a PDF of the Ruas et al.'s (2008) journal article and then extract its figures.
# locate and download a PDF of this journal article
PDF_download(example_references_metagear$DOI[4], theFileName = "Ruas_2008")
## Collecting PDF from DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2008.01.009
## Extraction 1 of 2: HTML script....
## successful
## Extraction 2 of 2: PDF download...
## successful
## [1] "downloaded"
A PDF was found, successfully downloaded, and saved as "Ruas_2008.pdf". Next let's extract the figures from this PDF and select the one with potential effect size data. Here we will extract and save the figures as image files (jpegs), and then plot each one to see which is a regression figure.
# extract figures from the PDF
imageFiles <- PDF_extractImages("Ruas_2008.pdf")
# plot all figures with file names
par(mfrow=c(2,3), las = 1)
for(i in 1:6) {
mtext(imageFiles[i], col = "red", cex = 1.2)
It seems like the file "Ruas_2008_bin_4.jpg" is a regression plot; let's try to extract the effect size (correlation coefficient) from this regression.
# plot the regression figure
# extract the correlation coefficient
rawData <- figure_scatterPlot("Ruas_2008_bin_4.jpg")
## regression fit: Y = 96.72933 + 0.07556 * X, R-squared = 0.00652
## Pearson's r = 0.0807309, var(r) = 0.0493504, N = 22
Well... regression points were detected using the default settings of figure_scatterPlot
, but so were many more objects. Let's change the settings to detect diamond points rather than circles, and let's also increase the point size since the figure image is large.
# plot the regression figure
rawData <- figure_scatterPlot("Ruas_2008_bin_4.jpg",
point_shape = "diamond", # circle shapes to diamonds
point_size = 5) # increase from 3 to 5 in size
## regression fit: Y = 12.27042 + 0.84821 * X, R-squared = 0.74037
## Pearson's r = 0.8604483, var(r) = 0.0084259, N = 10
The regression point detection was much more successful here, and although some detections were flagged as potential errors, every point in the figure was detected. Further, the estimated regression coefficients were very similar to those reported within the figure. To get better coefficients it is necessary to explicitly define the scale of each axis scale as follows (however note that the correlation coefficient will not change):
# plot the regression figure
rawData <- figure_scatterPlot("Ruas_2008_bin_4.jpg",
point_shape = "diamond", # circle shapes to diamonds
point_size = 5, # increase from 3 to 5 in size
X_min = 0.12,
X_max = 0.52,
Y_min = 1.8,
Y_max = 7.2)
## regression fit: Y = 0.76064 + 11.45083 * X, R-squared = 0.74037
## Pearson's r = 0.8604483, var(r) = 0.0084259, N = 10
The estimated coefficients are not as reported; perhaps they are reversed in the figure or there are data points not present in the figure and these are found outside the visual range of each axis.
Once references have been screened, metagear can be used to download and organize the full-texts of these references. However, note that the download success of these PDFs is entirely conditional on the journal subscription coverage of the host institution running metagear. Also note that metagear only supports the download of a PDF article if the DOI (digital object identifier) is available for that article.
In this example, we have the following goals:
function.Let's start by loading the pre-packaged reference dataset in metagear that contains the bibliographic information of 11 journal articles (example_references_metagear
). This dataset includes a column "DOI" which contains the DOI of each article (if available).
# load package
# load a bibliographic dataset with the DOIs
# display the year published of each study reference and their DOIs
example_references_metagear[c("JOURNAL", "DOI")]
## 3 AMERICAN NATURALIST 10.1086/319928
## 4 GENE 10.1016/j.gene.2008.01.009
## 5 VIRUS GENES 10.1007/s11262-012-0864-0
## 6 JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH 10.2983/035.029.0428
## 8 APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00054-9
## 10 BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 10.1023/A:1012426306493
## 11 GENOMICS 10.1016/j.ygeno.2013.09.002
Note that references collected from bibliographic databases like Web of Science will often be incomplete. For example, the study published in EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH does not have a DOI (described above as NA). This is because EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH is an independently published journal and does not provide DOIs for their research articles.
However, a DOI for the AMERICAN NATURALIST study is available, and let's use it to fetch the PDF.
# load package
theFileName = "AMNAT_metagear")
## Collecting PDF from DOI: 10.1086/319928
## Extraction 1 of 2: HTML script....
## successful
## Extraction 2 of 2: PDF download...
## successful
## [1] "downloaded"
The downloader provides information on the download success, and in this case a PDF was successfully retrieved. It was saved in the working directory of the R process (to see this directory use getwd()
Now let's try downloading all the PDFs from our reference dataset. This can be done using the PDFs_collect()
# (optional) initialize the reference dataset to help generate standardized fileNames (e.g., STUDY_ID numbers)
theRefs <- effort_initialize(example_references_metagear)
# fetch the PDFs
collectionOutcomes <- PDFs_collect(theRefs,
DOIcolumn = "DOI",
FileNamecolumn = "STUDY_ID",
quiet = TRUE)
## --- Starting download attempts of 11 DOI ---
## Harvesting 1 of 11:
## Harvesting 2 of 11:
## Harvesting 3 of 11:
## Harvesting 4 of 11:
## Harvesting 5 of 11:
## Harvesting 6 of 11:
## Harvesting 7 of 11:
## Harvesting 8 of 11:
## Harvesting 9 of 11:
## Harvesting 10 of 11:
## Harvesting 11 of 11:
## downloaded no DOI
## 8 3
Eight of the 11 references had successful PDF downloads; the remaining 3 did not have DOIs available. These PDFs will need to be checked to determine if their contents are the desired research articles. Also note that the downloading process will take time, and in general, it will take ~ 45 seconds to detect and download a single PDF.
Metagear can also scrape Web of Science (WOS) for bibliographic data if the DOI (digital object identifier) of a study is available. Currently, only the authors, title, publication year, journal, issue, page numbers, number of references, number of citations, and the journal impact factor (and year released) are fetched for a study. By default, scrape_bibliography()
will print an MLA-like formatted citation of the article.
For example, let's quickly scrape WOS for Carmona et al.’s (2011) reference and its number of citations.
# load package
# display the DOI's reference and number of citations
theBiblio <- scrape_bibliography("10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01794.x")
## Carmona et al. (2011) Plant traits that predict resistance to herbivores. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 25, 358-367.
# number of citations
print(paste(theBiblio$N_citations, "citations as of", theBiblio$date_scraped))
## [1] "147 citations as of 2017-01-06"
PRISMA plots (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses), or PRISMA flow diagrams, are an important and simple way to present the flow of information on how studies were found, collated, and screened for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (Liberati et al. 2009). Generally, they depict from top to bottom the original number of studies identified through bibliographic databases (and other sources) and how this population of studies was culled for inclusion into the synthesis project.
Metagear offers an easy way to generate PRISMA plots, this requires a list of the 'phases' of the screening process. It also requires certain phases to be labeled to properly depict the start (with the string START_PHASE:
) and exclusion (string EXCLUDE_PHASE:
) phases of the flow diagram. Below is a quick example.
# load package
phases <- c("START_PHASE: # of studies identified through database searching",
"START_PHASE: # of additional studies identified through other sources",
"# of studies after duplicates removed",
"# of studies with title and abstract screened",
"EXCLUDE_PHASE: # of studies excluded",
"# of full-text articles assessed for eligibility",
"EXCLUDE_PHASE: # of full-text articles excluded, not fitting eligibility criteria",
"# of studies included in qualitative synthesis",
"EXCLUDE_PHASE: # studies excluded, incomplete data reported",
"final # of studies included in quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis)")
thePlot <- plot_PRISMA(phases)
Previous versions of metagear (v. 0.2 and 0.1) offered a more flexible version of plot_PRISMA()
that allowed for proper rescaling of PRISMA objects when the user mannualy changed the window size of the plot. Unfortunatly, this version did not load well when bundled with the package and yeilded unusual plots (I would love to hear any tips on how to properly manage viewports and grid objects within a package!). Anyway, these versions are available on my website and allow for higher-quality PRISMA plots; these old functions can be downloaded here and work best when not loaded with metagear.
Extracting data from a figure image is a common challenge when trying to extract outcomes (effect sizes) from a study. The scrapping (reverse engineering) of data points from a scatterplot image can be automated with metagear.
In these examples, we have the following goals:
default parameters.Metagear offers a pre-packaged scatterplot image, and so let's begin with extracting data from this image, before moving to more advanced applications of figure_scatterPlot()
. First, let's load and display the image.
# load metagear package and .jpg image manipulation package EBImage
# load the scatterplot image, source: Kam et al. (2003) Functional Ecology 17:496-503.
# display the image
Now let's use figure_scatterPlot()
to scrape data from this image; however, because Kam_et_al_2003_Fig2
is pre-packaged with metagear it needs to be converted back to a .jpg before the image can be processed.
The figure_scatterPlot()
will by default output three objects:
and figure_detectAxis()
functions.Here are the results of using figure_scatterPlot()
on Kam et al.'s (2002) figure.
# convert back to .jpg
figure_write(Kam_et_al_2003_Fig2, file = "Kam_et_al_2003_Fig2.jpg")
# load the scatterplot image, source: Kam et al. (2003) Functional Ecology 17:496-503.
rawData <- figure_scatterPlot("Kam_et_al_2003_Fig2.jpg")
## regression fit: Y = 11.92586 + 0.9077 * X, R-squared = 0.59498
## Pearson's r = 0.7713478, var(r) = 0.0034903, N = 49
The estimated regression coefficients are very similar to those originally reported by Kam et al.'s (2002) study; which were Y = 12.03 + 0.907 * X with an R2 = 0.59 and a sample size of N = 51.
Now let's try to extract data from another image. This time the figure is relatively small and figure_scatterPlot()
will need some adjustments based on this size difference. Also, this time we will scale the data extractions to the X- and Y-axis scale; this is useful to calculate the original regression coefficients. Here, the minimum and maximum presented in the figure for the X-axis is 0 to 50, and 0 to 70 for the Y-axis. However, note that re-scaling the data does not affect the effect size calculated from the figure, only the estimated regression coefficients. Let's download the image first from my website and then process it.
# download the figure image from my website
figureSource <- ""
download.file(figureSource, "example_2_scatterPlot.jpg", quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
aFig <- figure_read("example_2_scatterPlot.jpg", display = TRUE)
# because of the small size of the image the axis parameter needed adjustment from 5 to 3
rawData2 <- figure_scatterPlot("example_2_scatterPlot.jpg",
axis_thickness = 3, # adjusted from 5 to 3 to help detect the thin axis
X_min = 0, # minimum X-value reported in the plot
X_max = 50, # maximum X-value reported in the plot
Y_min = 0,
Y_max = 70)
## regression fit: Y = -0.40746 + 1.26962 * X, R-squared = 0.51678
## Pearson's r = 0.7188738, var(r) = 0.0179617, N = 15
In this example, because of the small size of the figure, the axis_thinkness parameter needed to be reduced from 5 to 3. This was sufficient to detect the axis lines and extract the plotted data.
In this figure example, we have the case where the image is large (1122px by 780px), the plotted points are large but empty, and the axis lines are thin and grey. All of these issues complicate object detection on the figure.
# download the figure image from my website
figureSource <- ""
download.file(figureSource, "example_3_scatterPlot.jpg", quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
aFig <- figure_read("example_3_scatterPlot.jpg", display = TRUE)
# tweaking the figure_scatterPlot() function to improve object detection
rawData3 <- figure_scatterPlot("example_3_scatterPlot.jpg",
binary_point_fill = TRUE, # set to TRUE to fill empty points
point_size = 9, # increase from 5 to 9 since points are large
binary_threshold = 0.8, # increase from 0.6 to 0.8 to include the grey objects
axis_thickness = 3, # decrease from 5 to 3 since axes are thin
X_min = 0,
X_max = 850,
Y_min = 0,
Y_max = 35)
## regression fit: Y = 8.51444 + 0.02396 * X, R-squared = 0.45274
## Pearson's r = 0.6728593, var(r) = 0.0019448, N = 156
It looks like figure_scatterPlot()
confused some of the regression summary text on the plot for points. This can be avoided by erasing all superfluous information on the figure prior to processing with figure_scatterPlot()
. However, in our case we are interested in estimating these reported regression coefficients. We can quickly exclude these false detections since they reside within a specific range on the plot that does not include data (e.g., values above 25 for Y, and below 305 for X).
# remove false detected points from the regression summary presented within the plot
cleaned_rawData3 <- rawData3[ which(!(rawData3$X < 350 & rawData3$Y > 25)), ]
# estimate the regression coefficients
lm(Y ~ X, data = cleaned_rawData3)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Y ~ X, data = cleaned_rawData3)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) X
## 6.49148 0.02716
# and get R-squared
round(summary(lm(Y ~ X, data = cleaned_rawData3))$r.squared, 4)
## [1] 0.6353
The estimated regression coefficients are very similar to those presented within the plot.
Bar plots (or bar charts) are a common way to present information in groups or categories.
In these examples, we have the following goals:
default parameters.Let's have a look at the bar plot image provided by metagear called Kortum_and_Acymyan_2013_Fig4
; originally extracted from Kortum & Acymyan (2013; Journal of Usability Studies 9:14-24).
# load metagear package
# load the scatterplot image, source: Kortum & Acymyan (2013) J. of Usability Studies 9:14-24).
# display the image
Manual extraction of the bars and their errors will be time consuming here given that there are 42 separate data points to be gathered (i.e. 14 bars each with upper and lower error bars). Let's use figure_barPlot()
with its default options to extract these 42 points.
# convert metagear image object back to .jpg and then extract objects from this .jpg
figure_write(Kortum_and_Acymyan_2013_Fig4, file = "Kortum_and_Acymyan_2013_Fig4.jpg")
rawData <- figure_barPlot("Kortum_and_Acymyan_2013_Fig4.jpg")
In the above image, the detected points for each ballot were painted in blue. Let's have a closer look at these extracted data.
# display extracted points
as.vector(round(rawData, 2))
## [1] 15.09 20.52 9.67 21.93 28.30 15.80 25.94 31.37 20.28 29.48 23.11 35.85 34.67 41.04 28.30 35.85 42.92 28.77 37.74 30.42 45.52 39.15 45.52 32.78 41.75 34.20 49.29 53.77 62.03 45.75 62.50 70.75 54.48 71.70 54.48 62.97 73.35 67.22 79.01 92.45 95.75 88.92
Metagear is not clever enough to know what groupings these extractions belong too; however, the extractions will be sorted relative to their axis positioning. For example, there are three extractions that occupy the same X-axis range under the A ballot column. These three extractions will be grouped together in the figure_barPlot()
output. With this in mind, a little data manipulation is needed to make better sense of these ballot data.
# extractions are in triplicates with an upper, mean, and lower values, so let's
# stack by three and sort within triplicates from lowest to highest
organizedData <- t(apply(matrix(rawData, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), 1, sort))
# rename rows and columns of these triplicates as presented in Kortum_and_Acymyan_2013_Fig4.jpg
theExtraction_names <- c("lower 95%CI", "mean SUS score", "upper 95%CI")
theBar_names <- toupper(letters[1:14])
dimnames(organizedData) <- list(theBar_names, theExtraction_names)
## lower 95%CI mean SUS score upper 95%CI
## A 9.669811 15.09434 20.51887
## B 15.801887 21.93396 28.30189
## C 20.283019 25.94340 31.36792
## D 23.113208 29.48113 35.84906
## E 28.301887 34.66981 41.03774
## F 28.773585 35.84906 42.92453
## G 30.424528 37.73585 45.51887
## H 32.783019 39.15094 45.51887
## I 34.198113 41.74528 49.29245
## J 45.754717 53.77358 62.02830
## K 54.481132 62.50000 70.75472
## L 54.481132 62.97170 71.69811
## M 67.216981 73.34906 79.00943
## N 88.915094 92.45283 95.75472
Now let's try to extract data from another image where bar-plot is presented horizontally (i.e. bars stem from the Y-axis).
# download the figure image from my website
figureSource <- ""
download.file(figureSource, "example_2_barPlot.jpg", quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
aFig <- figure_read("example_2_barPlot.jpg", display = TRUE)
rawData2 <- figure_barPlot("example_2_barPlot.jpg",
horizontal = TRUE, # changed from FALSE since bars are horizontal
bar_width = 11, # raised from 9 since bars are wide relative to the figure
Y_min = 0,
Y_max = 10)
## Warning in makeBrush(watershed_thickness, shape = "line", angle = theAngle): 'size' was rounded to the next odd number: 301
The function also detected the right-most vertical line (part of the the figure box) as a datapoint. The options of figure_barPlot()
can be tweaked to avoid this issue; however, it might be easier to just exclude this extraction given that it has the largest plant biomass value (i.e. close to 10). Let's exclude this false datapoint and organize the dataset as presented in the figure.
# exclude the false detection
rawData2 <- rawData2[rawData2 < max(rawData2)]
# data are in triplicates with an upper, mean, and lower values, so let's
# stack by three and sort within triplicates from lowest to highest
organizedData <- t(apply(matrix(rawData2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), 1, sort))
# rename rows and columns of these triplicates as presented in the figure
theExtraction_names <- c("lower error", "bar", "upper error")
theBar_names <- c("exclosure", "water", "fertilizer", "control")
dimnames(organizedData) <- list(theBar_names, theExtraction_names)
## lower error bar upper error
## exclosure 4.775438 5.466238 6.173633
## water 7.572347 7.974277 8.376206
## fertilizer 8.986066 9.276230 9.581994
## control 4.678975 4.983923 5.273312
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